Nigeria's natural and demographic resources to accelerate
With a population of over 222.8m as of November 2023 and home to plentiful natural resources, Nigeria is simultaneously Africa’s largest economy and its most populous country. Since its
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Nigeria Overview: Development news, research,
2024年10月14日 Spatial inequality continues to be large, with the best-performing regions of Nigeria comparing favorably to upper middle-income countries, while the worst performing states fare below the average for low
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Reports - National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
Overall, the annual GDP growth rate in 2022 stood at 3.10%, from the 3.40% reported in 2021. Thus, the performance of agriculture and Industry reduced in 2022 relative to 2021, while the performance of the Services sector improved
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Nigeria - Environmental Performance Index
6 天之前 View the 2024 EPI Results. EPI Scores for this country and peers based on similar characteristics.
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Nigeria - Climate Performance Ranking 2025 - CCPI
Nigeria falls nine places to rank 26th in this year’s CCPI. As in the previous year, Nigeria shows a mixed performance, rating high in GHG Emissions and Energy Use, low in Climate Policy, and
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Nigeria Economic Outlook - African Development Bank Group
2024年12月6日 economic growth is projected to increase to 3.2% in 2024 and 3.4% in 2025, due to improved security, higher oil production, and stronger consumer demand. Inflation is
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Reports - National Bureau of Statistics, Nigeria
Nigeria Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 3.98%(year-on-year) in real terms in the fourth quarter of 2021, showing a sustained positive growth for the fifth quarter since the recession witnessed in 2020 when output contracted by
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Nigeria Ranking in the Global Innovation Index 2024. - WIPO
2024年10月18日 Nigeria Ranking in the Global Innovation Index 2024. The bubble chart below shows the relationship between income levels (GDP per capita) and innovation performance
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(PDF) Corporate Performance in Nigeria: Insights from
2024年6月7日 Results: Based on Structural One S.D. Innovations ± 2 S.E, the study's results underscore the vulnerability of Nigerian businesses to exogenous shocks and speculative
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Nigeria’s Continued Progress on Reforms Key to Rating
6 天之前 Even with the VAT rate increase, we expect Nigeria’s general government revenue/GDP to average around 10.3% in 2024-2025, compared with a median of 19% for
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Audit Committee and Firms Performance in Nigeria:
2024年1月11日 Performance in Nigeria with emphasis on Eight Public Quoted Banks in Nigeria. The data were sourced from the annual reports and accounts of eight banks in Nigeria for 2011 -2015 independent
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2022年1月1日 The study empirically investigates the impact of monetary policy shocks on the performance of the industrial sector in Nigeria, and how this affect the general growth performance of the economy in ...
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(PDF) The Role of Sme Firm Performance in
2014年7月1日 Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role and contribution of SMEs performance in the national development of a developing country like Nigeria. The performance of SMEs ...
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Corporate Governance and Manufacturing Firms’ Financial Performance
2024年11月19日 This paper assesses the impact of corporate governance (CG) on microfinance bank's financial performance in Nigeria. The problem statement is on the non compliance of microfinance banks with the ...
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2019年2月6日 mechanisms and stock market performance in Nigeria. Audit committee independence, audit committee financial expertise, board independence, and ownership structure (corporate governance mechanisms) were adopted as independent variables while share price, volume of trade, market capitalization, and earning per share were adopted as indicators of ...
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Corporate governance disclosure and corporate performance of Nigerian
2021年6月11日 Corporate disclosure is a key mechanism of corporate governance. This study examined the effect of corporate governance disclosure (CGD) on the financial performance of commercial banks listed on ...
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Capital Structure and Liquidity: An Empirical Analysis of
2024年10月1日 This study investigates the impact of money market dynamics on economic growth in Nigeria, focusing on the interplay between capital structure, liquidity, and banking sector performance. The ...
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CORPORATE DISCLOSURES AND STOCK PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIA Gladys Malobi OKOLIE1, Edirin JEROH2, 1 Post-Graduate Students, Department of Accounting, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. 2 Associate Professor, Delta
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Cash Flow Management and Industrial Firms Performance in Nigeria
2021年8月1日 firms’ financial performance. Nigeria. OLS, co-integratio n. test, and the. Granger causality. Mix result of a long-run. relationship and no acausal. [38] Liquidity and.
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Enhancing Public Accountability and Performance in
2024年5月19日 and Performance in Nigeria: Periscoping the Impediments and Exploring Imperative Measures ADEJUWON DAVID K. Abstract ver the past decades, accountability and performance have been central
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[PDF] Private Domestic Investment, Domestic Credit To The
This study examines the dynamic linkages between domestic investment, domestic credit to the private sector and gross domestic product (GDP) in Nigeria over the period of 1970 to 2015. The main objective of the study is to provide an empirical framework for understanding the interactions between private domestic investment, domestic credit to the private sector and their impacts
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Financial Leverage and Bank Performance: An Empirical
2020年8月26日 Keywords: Financial leverage, Performance, Nigerian Banks. Introduction Leverage is a key component of a bank’s financial policy because it determines the level of internal funding versus external funding and greatly affects the level of a firms cost. This in turn affects the overall performance of the bank.
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Comparative Impact of Innovation Strategies on
These were with a view to investigating the comparative impact of different forms of innovation on firm performance among SMEs in Nigeria. The analysis is based on the data obtained from the ...
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SME firms performance in Nigeria: Competitive
2024年3月9日 In Nigeria the importance and performance contributions of Small and medium scale business as a creator of employment, in particular, those with low skill level, is widely recognized. In 2002, 98% ...
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2021年1月8日 This paper aims at investigating the relationship between electricity consumption and manufacturing sector performance in Nigeria over the period 1981 to 2018. Electricity consumption per capita ...
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A Framework for Measuring Performance of Nigerian
2022年10月21日 model of performance management practice could be a tool for improving and measuring the performance of Nigerian Police Force. Keywords: performance management, input-output-outcome, efficiency, effectiveness, public outcome Conflicts of interest: The authors declared no conflicts of interest. Article history: The article was submitted on 01.06 ...
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Impact of Power Supply on the Performance Nigerian
This study examines the impact of power supply on the performance of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Anchoring on the Production Function Theory (PFT), data from the national statistical bulletin spanning 1999 to 2018 was used to measured the long-run and short-run relationships using the ARDL and VAR analysis. Findings indicate
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ESG Reporting and Financial Performance of Deposit
2024年2月15日 performance of DMBs in Nigeria. Numerous studies have underscored the positive association between ESG reporting and financial performance in various countries (Eccles Serafeim, 2013; Grewal et al., 2021; Khan et al., 2020). However, scant research exists regarding the impact of ESG reporting on the financial performance of DMBs in Nigeria.
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Impact of Project Cost Control on the Financial Performance
2024年12月9日 Keywords: Project, Cost Control, Financial Performance, Nigeria, Construction Industry. The link between time and cost, according to Chavare Saharkar (2019), is a crucial factor in the management of costs on-site because every difference in time has an inherent impact on cost.All site-related work including supplies, equipment, and personnel needs to be
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2011年8月10日 This study examines the relationship between corporate governance (governance scores) based on data set provided by institutional investors (shareholders) services (IIS) and three firm performance indicators: return on equity (ROE), Net profit margin (NPM) and Dividend Yield (DY) of ten quoted companies in Nigeria. The study used the r and t –test at
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